Overdrive IoT Develops a Fleet Management Platform for Construction Industries

Singapore – Overdrive IoT deploys a Fleet Management Solution to enhance the efficiency and productivity of overall fleet operations for construction companies.
Speeding, excessive idling and harsh acceleration are a few examples of bad driving behaviors that can increase fuel consumption and cause unnecessary damage to vehicles. Unable to keep track of its fleet usage and driver’s activities, construction companies sought the help of Overdrive to overcome the roadblocks on,
1. Vehicle Maintenance
Construction companies lack visibility in knowing if their vehicles need to be kept nor have the ability to check if their vehicles are in good working condition. Therefore, increasing operation costs and the likelihood of vehicle breakdowns on the road.
2. Driver Productivity
Construction companies have no platform to keep track of their driver’s activities, vehicle usage and fuel consumption which greatly affects productivity, efficiency and overall fleet operational costs
The right fleet management platform that fits their needs
With the use of OBD devices, Overdrive created a solution that enables companies to set parameters and check their vehicles’ overall health. The solution was designed to monitor over 300 vehicles and detect any possible signs of vehicle malfunction before it even happens. It also carries out preventive maintenance schedules to upkeep vehicles and sends reminders of any missed schedules.
In addition, the solution allows construction companies to accurately keep track of their driver’s activities and productivity levels. It enables them to generate customized reports that capture real-time data on driver behavior, working hours and vehicle usage which they can use to measure which among their drivers are most productive based on hours and mileage. In turn, it enhances the efficiency & productivity of the overall operations and reduces costly operating downtime.
The ability to become productive in the least amount of time while decreasing cost is a prerequisite for an effective fleet operation. Service and maintenance are vital as vehicles need to be kept and maintained to stay safe and efficient.
Want to know more about our comprehensive fleet solutions? Consult our experts!